Working Papers
“Economic Freedom in Retrospect”. CEPR Discussion Paper 18187 (June 2023). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 236 (June 2023) and Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2023-04 (June 2023).
“Subjective Well-being in Spain’s Decline”, CEPR Discussion Paper 18140 (May 2023) (with C. Álvarez-Nogal). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 235 (May 2023) and Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2023-03 (May 2023).
“Health, Income, and the Preston Curve: A Long View”, CEPR Discussion Paper 17151 (March 2022). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 224 (March 2022) and Instituto FiguerolaWorking Papers in Economic History 2022-02 (March 2022).
“The Industrial Revolution: Unintended Consequences of Self-Defence?”, Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2021-12 (October 2021)
“Inequality Beyond GDP: A Long View”, CEPR Discussion Paper 15853 (February 2021). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 210 (March 2021) and Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2021-06 (February 2021).
“The Napoleonic Wars: A Watershed in Spanish History” (with C. Santiago-Caballero), CEPR Discussion Paper 15616 (December 2020).
“Accounting for Growth in Spain, 1850-2019” (with J.R. Rosés), CEPR Discussion Paper 15380 (October 2020). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 198 (October 2020) and e Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2020-10 (November 2020)
“Capital in Spain, 1850-2019” CEPR Discussion Paper 15364 (October 2020). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 197 (October 2020) and e Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2020-09 (November 2020)
“Growth, War, and Pandemics: Europe in the Very Long-run” (with C.V. Rodríguez-Caballero), CEPR Discussion Paper 14816 (May 2020). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 185 (May 2020) and Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2020-07 (June 2020).
“Economic Effects of the Black Death: Spain in European Perspective” (with C. Álvarez-Nogal and C. Santiago-Caballero), EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 184 (May 2020). Also available as Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2020-06 (May 2020).
“Growth Recurring in Preindustrial Spain: Half A Millennium Perspective” (with C. Álvarez-Nogal and C. Santiago-Caballero), CEPR Discussion Paper 14479 (March 2020). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 177 (March 2020) and Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 2020-01 (March 2020).
“Economic Development in Spain, 1815–2017” (with B. Sánchez-Alonso), EHES Working Papers no. 163 (July 2019).
“Human Development in the Age of Globalisation”. CEPR Discussion Paper 13744 (May 2019). Also available as Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 19-04 (May 2019), CAGE Warwick Working Papers Series no. 421 (June 2019), and EHES Working Papers no. 157 (June 2019).
“Living Standards, Inequality, and Human Development since 1870: A Review of the Evidence” (with M.S. Cha), Instituto Figuerola Working Papers in Economic History 19-03 (May 2019)
“Well-being Inequality in the Long Run”, CEPR Discussion Paper 12920 (May 2018). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 131 (May 2018).
“The Napoleonic Wars: A Watershed in Spanish History?” (with C. Santiago-Caballero), EHES Working Papers in Economic History no. 130 (April 2018). Also available as Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 18-05 (April 2018)
“Foreign Capital in 19th Century Spain's Investment Boom”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 18-02 (February 2018).
“Spain’s Historical National Accounts: Expenditure and Output, 1850-2015”, CEPR Discussion Paper 11524 (September 2016). Also available as EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 103 (September 2016) and Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 16-07 (September 2016).
“Spanish Agriculture in the Little Divergence”, CEPR Discussion Paper 11125 (February 2016) (with C. Álvarez-Nogal and C. Santiago-Caballero). Also available as CAGE Working Paper 270 (February 2016)
“Agriculture in Europe’s Little Divergence: The Case of Spain”, EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 80 (June 2015) (with C. Álvarez-Nogal and C. Santiago-Caballero). Also available as Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 15-07 (June 2015)
“Human Development as Positive Freedom: Latin America in Historical Perspective”, EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 77 (May 2015). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 10613 (May 2015) and Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 15-04 (May 2015)
“Mismeasuring Long Run Growth. The Bias from Spliced National Accounts”, EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 60 (August 2014). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 10137 (September 2014), CAGE Working Paper 202 (September 2014), and Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 14-04 (September 2014)
“Economic Freedom in the Long Run: Evidence from OECD Countries (1850-2007)”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 14-02 (March 2014)
Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 9918 (March 2014) and EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 54 (March 2014)
“Human Development as Positive Freedom: A World View since 1870”, CAGE/Chatham House Series No. 12 (February 2014).
“World Human Development, 1870-2007”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 13-01 (January 2013). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 9292 (January 2013) and EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 34 (January 2013)
“Output Per Head in Pre-Independence Africa: Quantitative Conjectures”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 12-11 (November 2012)
“Human Development in Africa: A Long-run Perspective”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 11-09 (September 2011). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 8586 (September 2011) and EHES Working Paper in Economic History no. 8 (October 2011)
“Economic Reforms and Growth in Franco’s Spain”, (with J.R. Rosés and I. Sanz-Villarroya), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 11-07 (July 2011)
“The Rise and Fall of Spain, 1270-1850” (with Carlos Álvarez-Nogal), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 11-02 (April 2011)
“Human Development in Africa: A Long-run Perspective”, European Report on Development (ERD) 2010 Background Paper, European University Institute (January 2011)
“Improving Human Development: A Long-run View”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 10-07 (June 2010). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7982 (September 2010)
“Stabilization and Growth under Dictatorship: The Experience of Franco’s Spain” (with J.R. Rosés and I. Sanz-Villarroya), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 10-02 (February 2010). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7731 (March 2010)
“Spain’s International Position, 1850-1913”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 09-09 (October 2009). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper 7591 (December 2009)
“Human Capital and Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 09-06 (August 2009)
“Del cosmos al caos: la serie del PIB de Maluquer de Motes”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 09-04 (June 2009)
“Proximate Causes of Economic Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 08-12 (June 2008)
“Trade and Empire, 1700.1870” (with K.H. O’Rourke and G. Daudin), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 08-09 (May 2008). Also available as Trinity College Dublin, TEP Working Paper No. 0208 (May 2008)
“Long-Run Estimates of Physical Capital in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 08-07 (April 2008)
“‘Lost Decades?’ Independence and Latin America’s Falling Behind, 1820-1870”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-18 (November 2007)
“Inequality, Poverty, and the Kuznets Curve in Spain, 1850-2000”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-13 (September 2007)
“Searching for the Roots of Retardation: Spain in European Perspective, 1500-1850” (with C. Álvarez Nogal),Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-06 (March 2007)
“International Inequality and Polarization in Living Standards, 1870-2000: Evidence from the Western World”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-05 (February 2007)
“The Sources of Long-run Growth in Spain, 1850-2000” (with J.R. Rosés), Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 07-02 (January 2007). Also available as CEPR Discussion Paper no. 6189 (March 2007).
“Contract Enforcement and Argentina’s Long-run Decline”, Universidad Carlos III Working Papers in Economic History 06-06 (September 2006)
“Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Latin America: Historical Evidence, Controlled Conjectures”, Universidad Carlos III Working Paper 05-41 (June 2005)
“Colonial Independence and Economic Backwardness in Latin America”, Universidad Carlos III Working Paper 04-65 (December 2004)
“Terms of Trade and Backwardness: Testing the Prebisch Doctrine for Spain and Britain During the Industrialization.” Universidad Carlos III Working Papers (1994)